Friday, 8 January 2010

Space is the Place..

Over christmas we got a prject where we had to pick a quote and do an illustration on it. So i chose "Space is the Place" by Sun Ra (who is/was a very talented jazz musician) so whilst looking up the facts about this Sun Ra he turns out to be quite a strange man as he seems to think hes from an Angel Race that live on Saturn (the planet) so pretty much all of his music is based around the space kind of thing and hes also got a thing for the Egyptians :P so he just adds that in aswell and hes my pictures of my final illustration which i think iv ruined but never mind i like some of it.

i had wanted to leave it like this but it was a bit plain so i then did this...

i added music bars to it but again there was something missing; a background and i should really have done that first but stupid me so i then did this...

and i hate it.

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